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With the advancing Europeanisation and globalisation of the working world, a semester or internship abroad is no longer an extra, but something that your future employer will expect from an applicant with a university degree.
In order to facilitate the planning of a stay abroad, the International Centre "Alexander von Humboldt" in Freiberg (short: IUZ) and the International Office in Mittweida (short: AAA) offer a wide range of information materials and advise on specific matters and questions.
In addition, monthly information events on the topic of "Study Abroad and Internships" as well as special events with invited speakers on various topics are held during the semester.
Information on study opportunities and programmes, on events and on the respective contact persons can be found on the corresponding websites of each institution.
BAföG abroad
Cancel rental contract?
Depending on how long you go abroad, the question will arise as to what will happen to your apartment or shared flat here in Germany. As long as the rental contract is valid, rent must be paid and a second rent is added abroad.
If you are staying abroad for up to one semester, it is definitely advisable to look for a subtenant. The subtenant will not take over your rental contract, but the room will be sublet to him.
Attention!!! You should definitely seek permission from the landlord in advance. Unauthorized subletting of living space can be a reason for terminating the contract. We do not know how other landlords react to the request for subletting. Within the Studentenwerk this can be quite uncomplicated, but an early consultation with the responsible person is still necessary.
Registration office
You are probably aware that you must register with the registration office (Meldebehörde) within two weeks of your arrival in Germany. This period also applies if you move to another apartment within Freiberg or to another city within Germany. Furthermore, you have to deregister at the registration office if you return to your home country after finishing your studies.
You can obtain all the information you need from the citizens' offices of the towns of Freiberg and Mittweida.