
Versicherung ©Stephanie Hofschlaeger von pixelio.de
Household contents insurance
Many students start their first household with their studies. Whether they live in a dormitory or a shared flat, the question is whether they should or even have to take out their own household insurance. The question cannot be answered clearly with yes or no. It therefore makes sense to discuss with your parents whether or not the contents of the student dormitory are covered by your parents' household insurance. It makes sense to take out your own policy if you own valuable or high-quality furniture. Otherwise, you should consider whether you have the necessary small change to buy new destroyed objects or furniture.
Liability insurance
Liability insurance is similar to household contents insurance. A look at the parental policy is highly advisable. Basically the children are insured in the parental liability insurance as long as they are in education, the education seamlessly follows the school education and one still lives in the household of the parents. Many students change their place of residence at the beginning of their studies if they move to the place of study.
Liability insurance is not a public compulsory insurance like motor vehicle liability insurance. However, everyone should ask themselves whether they can pay for the damage they cause to others and the resulting claims for damages out of their own pocket. Even the borrowed mobile phone, which you accidentally drop, or the glasses of your bank neighbor, which you accidentally sit on, can be ruinous for the student's budget. The trip to your trusted insurance agent is therefore worth cash.
Health insurance
Proof of valid health insurance is required for enrolment and re-registration for the new semester. As a rule, students are insured free of charge with their parents until their 25th birthday. In the case of military or voluntary service, the co-insurance is extended by the period of service performed. After that, you must take out your own health insurance.
If a student receives educational support under the BAföG, he or she will receive a maximum of 62 € as a contributory or voluntary health insured according to § 5 Para. 12 No. 9 and 10 SGB V, and 11 € for his or her own nursing care insurance needs. A certificate of the responsible health insurance company is to be submitted. Excluded from this regulation are orphan's pension recipients and students insured as employees.
Detailed information on contribution amounts, benefits, etc. can be found on the following website.
Leisure - Accident insurance
The Studentenwerk Freiberg has taken out a leisure accident insurance policy for the students of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg and the University of Applied Sciences Mittweida. The insurance covers all leisure accidents. It is valid worldwide and around the clock. The insurance covers a maximum of the following benefits:
- 63.000 € Disability benefit
- 28.000 € Basic invalidity sum
- 5.000 € Rescue costs
- 5.000 € Costs for cosmetic operations
If you suffer an accident and have to make use of these insurance benefits, please consult a doctor in any case and contact the Studentenwerk Freiberg immediately (see: Your contact persons).
Accident insurance
Registered students are covered by the statutory accident insurance (SGB VII) for accidents with bodily injury. The insurance applies during the university operation and on the direct way to and from the university. The insurance cover extends to all activities that are originally related to a university visit.
The statutory accident insurance for universities and colleges in Saxony is provided by Unfallkasse Sachsen.
Every accident must be reported by the student or a representative (witness) within three working days. Accident reports of accidents on the way to and from university are received by the Department of Student Affairs, other university accidents are reported to the person responsible for the event.
Your contact persons