Funding according to BAföG

Förderung ©Detlev Müller
Who's entitled?
All enrolled students of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg and the University of Applied Sciences Mittweida can receive BAföG funding, provided that
- The course of study is the first training eligible for BAföG funding, is based on a Bachelor's / Bachelor's degree or meets the requirements for funding a second training course in accordance with the provisions of § 7 (2) and (3) BAföG.
- You are a German citizen or meet one of the other requirements under § 8 BAföG.
- You have not yet reached the age of 30 at the beginning of the diploma or bachelor's programme or you fulfil one of the exceptional requirements according to § 10 Para. 3 BAföG.
- To be eligible for support for the Master's programme, you should not have reached the age of 35 at the beginning of the Master's programme.
- After the 3rd or 4th semester you are able to submit a positive performance certificate according to § 48 BAföG.
You can find the relevant legal regulations here.
What is the maximum grant?
- Students who live with their parents during their training receive a basic amount of 419 € (plus 55 € living allowance).
- Students who do not live with their parents during their training can receive 744 €.
Rent subsidy
Rent subsidies will no longer be paid from October 2010. The expenses for rent are now included in the basic requirement. Proof of external accommodation is required.
Health and nursing care insurance
Students who are themselves members of the health insurance scheme and have to pay contributions receive an additional subsidy of up to 155 €. If they are insured for nursing care themselves, they will receive an additional subsidy of up to € 34. The corresponding form is available for download.
Funding type
In the majority of cases, students at universities receive half of their education support as a grant and half as a loan. After a change of discipline or if the maximum funding period is exceeded, funding may be provided in the form of loans for part-time periods. Therefore, please contact us for advice well in advance!
Funding period
The support is provided for the duration of the standard period of study of the chosen subject. As mentioned above, however, a new application must be submitted each year and, at the latest after the 4th semester, a positive performance certificate in accordance with § 48 BAföG must be submitted.
What is the possible amount of funding for me?
The applicant's assets and income as well as the spouse's and parents' income, if any, are credited against the requirement if they exceed certain limits. Under certain circumstances, the parents' income may be disregarded. The prerequisites for support without recognition of parental income are based on § 11 (3) BAföG. More information you can find here.
- The circumstances on the day on which the application is filed, i.e. the day on which the application is received by the Office, shall apply to the recognition of the assets. Since the end of 2010, private cars have also been fully considered as assets if they are your property.
- For the recognition of the income of students, e.g. orphan's pensions, internship allowances or income from their own income, the income situation during the approval period is decisive.
- The income relationships of the penultimate calendar year before the start of the approval period are decisive for the crediting of the income of the parents and, if applicable, the spouse.
Test calculation
If you already would like to have an approximate idea of what you can expect in terms of support, you have the option of calculating the amount of support in advance.